Within moments of meeting, the other person immediately forms an impression of you. A successful way to do well in an interview is by quickly capturing the interviewer’s attention—making them feel comfortable and like you. Obviously, skills are important, but people place a large premium on a person’s personality, looks and actions.
The corporate world is usually buttoned-up and traditional. If you are interviewing for a job with an investment bank, you will most likely wear a sharp, tailored suit. At a startup tech company, a more casual attire is acceptable.
The managers want someone who they feel comfortable with. Since they will work closely together with you, the supervisors want to like and trust you. To gain their interest, you need to play the game by doing a number of things. Here are some suggestions for making a great first impression.

The Interviewer Is The Most Important Person In The World
At this moment in time, no one is more important than the person who is interviewing you. You must give them your complete undivided attention.
People’s opinions on how to win someone over are characterized in the media as the smooth, fast-talking salesperson who schmoozes their way into a big deal. In reality, that approach often backfires. You need to take the opposite approach and put your ego aside. Listen more than you speak. You want to come across as authentic, genuine, empathetic and caring about how you can help the manager.
The best way to do this is by asking them how you could help, and then actively listening to their needs. Once you hear what the important tasks are, you could ask specific questions to flesh out more details. The more they talk, the better they feel about you. In addition to the job description, you now have great insights from the source of what’s needed for the position. You can then address the pain points by sharing your background, talents, experience, skills and education that will make you successful in the role.
Eye Contact, Smiling And Body Language
There are very easy steps to take to make the interviewer like you. Whether it’s an in-person or video call, you need to make eye contact. This doesn’t mean continually staring at them for long durations. It’s about showing that you are paying rapt attention to what the person is saying and absorbing the information.
Along with eye contact, nod your head every once in a while to acknowledge that you agree and understand what they are talking about. When the time is right, you want to offer a smile and a certain sparkle in your eyes to demonstrate that you are interested in the role and the company.
Stay present in the moment. Don’t fidget in your seat, look away from the camera or seem distracted. If you are in the person’s office, remember to sit up straight, pull your shoulders back and maintain a relaxed vibe. On a video call, you need to ensure that the lighting and sound and video quality are top-notch. The background must be aligned with the image you seek to present.
Ask Questions That Show You Are Interested
We all know that compensation, raises, bonuses, stock options, career progression and work style (remote, hybrid, in-office, flexible) are the most important things you are thinking about. Put them aside for now.
The initial questions you should ask relating to the hiring manager. You want to ask the interviewer about what made them decide to work at this particular company. Inquire whether or not they like their job. Politely bring up why they chose you out of all the other candidates.
These questions will get them talking. You will learn a lot from their answers. When the person doing the hiring talks more than the interviewee, it’s a good sign. The interviewer starts telling themself that they must like you because they are spending so much time selling the job to you.
Later on, during subsequent interviews, you could then ask questions about salary, bonuses, vacations and other important matters. You first want to get the buy-in and then the salary and other negotiations will be easier later on.
Mirror The Interviewer
Everyone has different speech patterns. In New York City, people tend to talk quickly and abruptly. Folks from the Midwest have a more laid-back, quiet and slower tempo. If you are not conscious of the other person’s style, it could be a turnoff.
Mirror the interviewer’s cadence. This doesn’t mean copying what they say. It’s the art of tailoring your speech pattern to align with the interviewer. This will make them feel more at ease and comfortable.
In addition, use their name once in a while. People like and respond better when you use their name in a conversation. It draws them and creates a bit of intimacy. Don’t overuse it or you’ll risk alienating the person with too much repetition.
Always Be Positive, Genuine And Authentic
No matter how dreadful your former boss and co-workers were, don’t say anything negative or derogatory about them. If you do, everyone in the interview process will assume that you’ll later badmouth them too when you leave and interview with another company.
You want to come across as positive, motivated and enthusiastic. Demonstrate that you are a team player. Avoid putting on airs. Instead, be genuine and authentic. Let them see the real you.